State Bar Real Property Law 2012 Boot Camp Program Materials



February 17-19, 2012 * San Diego

 “Building Knowledge & Skills for a Successful Career in Real Estate Law”




This site includes the program materials for the State Bar of California Real Property Law Section's 2012 Real Property Law Boot Camp.  New content may be added to this site, as supplemental materials become available.  Boot Camp attendees also will receive a printed set of materials at the program (excluding updates or supplements.) 


Points of view or opinions expressed in these pages are those of the speaker(s) and/or author(s). They have not been adopted or endorsed by the State Bar of California’s Board of Trustees and do not constitute the official position or policy of the State Bar of California. Nothing contained herein is intended to address any specific legal inquiry, nor is it a substitute for independent legal research to original sources or obtaining separate legal advice regarding specific legal situations.  ©2012 State Bar of California All Rights Reserved   


01. The Business of Real Estate.pdf

02. Real Estate Project Stage 1a Acquiring Real Estate.pdf

03. Real Estate Project Stage 1b Financing Real Estate.pdf

04. Seven Habits of Highly Effective Real Estate Transactional Lawyers.pdf

05. Real Estate Project Stage 2 Development.pdf

06a. Real Estate Project Stage 3 Construction and Insurance.pdf

06b. Real Estate Project Stage 3 Construction and Insurance Kawakami POWERPOINT Presentation.pdf

07a. Real Estate Project Stage 4 Leasing the Real Estate Project.pdf

07b. Real Property Boot Camp 2012 Commercial Leasing Resource List.pdf

08. Real Estate Project Stage 5 Pulling Out the Cash and Keeping as Much as Possible.pdf

09. Career and Business Development.pdf

10. 2012 Boot Camp Drill Sergeants.pdf

11. Negotiations Workshop Negotiating Gambits.pdf

The negotiations workshop power point slides may be obtained by contacting

12. Boot Camp Reference Items List of Title Endorsements.pdf

Worth Reading -- Real Property Law  Journal Articles.pdf

Real Property Glossary of Terms.pdf 


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