Dipsea Trail Wellness Hike and Discussion

May 18, 2024  ~  Stinson Beach, CA


MCLE Certificate

You may now download a copy of the MCLE certificate(s) for your records. Your attendance record will be provided to the State Bar of California within 30 days

Please see the link below to access a copy of your MCLE Certificate. 


05-18-2024-Dipsea Wellness Hike-Certificate.pdf



Program Materials

We have placed the program materials online for you to peruse and/or print as needed. In the event that we receive supplemental program materials,  we will post these materials to the website after the Conference. Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Please see the link below to access materials. 


Dipsea Wellness Presentation 18May24.pdf



Program Evaluation


Thank you for attending! 

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