2024 Real Property Retreat - MCLE Certificate

palm trees at the 2024 Real Property Retreat



 MCLE Certificate

Download your MCLE certificates for your records. Session attendance is reported to the California State Bar. To ensure attendance, please scan or sign in at the beginning of each session to receive credit. 

Program Materials

 We have placed the program materials online for you to peruse and/or print before the Conference.  In the event that we receive supplemental program materials - we will post these materials to the website after the Conference.  Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. 


Evaluation Form 

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation form for each session you attend. Your input helps us improve future events. Look for the evaluation forms below listed under each session. Thank you for your participation!


2024 Real Property Law Retreat - Day One 

MCLE Certficate: RPL Retreat Day One MCLE Cert.pdf


Friday, March 8th 


1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Housing Streamlining: Speeding or Speed Bumps? How the New Housing Bills are Really Working 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/XHzaRfrjXcbXMLpr8 

Materials: Housing Streamlining Speeding or Speed Bumps Materials.pdf



2:45pm - 3:45pm 

Commercial Leasing: Basic Tenant Representation 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/XLZxLkcTafXimnCA8 

Materials: Commercial Leasing Basic Tenant Representation Materials.pdf


4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Social Narratives, Economic Reality and the Outlook for Real Estate in California

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/owpCNKyquNNCKZTD7 

Materials: Social Narratives, Economic Reality and the Outlook for Real Estate in California Materials.pdf


Saturday, March 9th 


9:00am - 10:00am 

Session 4: Breakfast and Plenary Session: Rewiring Your Brain for Mindful De-Stressing

MCLE Certificate: Session 4-Breakfast and Plenary.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/kGjeteoxgdsUQFm18 

Materials: Rewiring Your Brain for Mindful De-Stressing Materials.pdf


10:15am - 11:15am 

Session 5: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, And Neither Will Your TI's: Tenant Build-Outs for Restaurant, Retail and Office Leases 

MCLE Certificate: Session 5-Rome Wasn't Built.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/ABeWuCM9poXLeg6a9 

Materials: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, And Neither Will Your TI's Materials.pdf 


Session 6: Establishing and Enforcing Design Professional's and Mechanic's Liens and Other Payment Rights 

MCLE Certificate: Session 6-Establishing and Enforcing.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/oF7Ne5bLWxgHjXKw9 

Materials: Establishing and Enforcing Design Professional's and Mechanic's Liens Materials.pdf 


Session 7: Elimination of Bias in Voir Dire Using CCP 231.7 

MCLE Certificate: Session 7-Elimination of Bias.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/iZ6JpHait3hcEdYj6 

Materials: Elimination of Bias in Voir Dire Using CCP 231.7 Materials.pdf 


11:30am - 12:30pm 

Session 8: Residential Unlawful Detainer Basics 

MCLE Certificate: Session 8-Residential Unlawful.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/ASfbzm8JnAQJx93z7 

Materials: Residential Unlawful Detainer Basics Materials.pdf 


Session 9: Real Estate Litigation - Case Law Updates and Recent Developments 

MCLE Certificate: Session 9-Real Estate Litigation.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/SUqdkMckzDkyGtt3A 

Materials: Real Estate Litigation - Case Law Updates and Recent Developments Materials.pdf 


Session 10: Estate Planning for Real Property in 2024: All the Bad News, Hot Tips, and Issue Spotting Guidance 

MCLE Certificate: Session 10-Estate Planning.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/v7ZHQrNrXZAnCUxJ6 

Materials: Estate Planning for Real Property in 2024 Materials.pdf


12:45pm - 2:00pm 

Session 11: Lunch and Plenary Session: #LandBack

MCLE Certificate: Session 11-Lunch and Plenary.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/xrbm15goKLNmWZGv5 

Materials: LandBack Materials.pdf 


2:15pm - 3:15pm 

Session 12: Weathering the Looming Office Storm: Strategies to Navigate the Rough Waters Ahead

MCLE Certificate: Session 12-Weathering the Looming.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/N6ueAsw5iQZPxWt77 

Materials: Weathering the Looming Office Storm Materials.pdf


Session 13: Negotiating Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation Claims in Purchase and Sale Contracts 

MCLE Certificate: Session 13-Negotiating Non-Disclosure.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/hzPoCTxbxUdbuhEV8 

Materials: Negotiating Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation Claims in Purchase and Sale Contracts.Materials.pdf


Session 14: Top Ten Ethical Mistakes: A Guide to Avoiding Civil Liability 

MCLE Certificate: Session 14-Top Ten Ethical.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/FV9PJbqzLbVDqEE16 

Materials: Top Ten Ethical Mistakes_ A Guide to Avoiding Civil Liability. Materials.pdf


3:30pm - 4:30pm 

Session 15: For Here or To Go? Restaurant Leases and Liquor License in a Post-Pandemic Era 

MCLE Certificate: Session 15-For Here or To Go.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/8EZKn3f75T71PzvLA 

Materials: For Here or To Go. Restaurant Leases and Liquor License in a Post-Pandemic Era.Materials.pdf 


Session 16: An Overview of Historical Land Transactions of the Agua Caliente Tribe

MCLE Certificate: Session 16-An Overview of Historical.MCLECert.pdf

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/rtAPWWTQBTSU2h7n6 

Materials: An Overview of Historical Land Transactions of the Agua Caliente Tribe.Materials.pdf 


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