2024 Privacy Summit


Program Materials

 We have placed the program materials online for you to peruse and/or print before the Conference.  In the event that we receive supplemental program materials - we will post these materials to the website after the Conference.  Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

Evaluation Form 

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation form for each session you attend. Your input helps us improve future events. Look for the evaluation forms below listed under each session. Thank you for your participation!   


Thursday, February 8, 2024 

10:30am - 11:30am 


Day one MCLE Certificate: 2024 Privacy Law Summit-Day One_MCLE CERT.pdf


California Privacy Enforcement: A Discussion with Enforcement Leads from the CPPA and the California Dept. of Justice 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/2YvzGtXBRWZpwCrd7 

Materials: N/A  

11:45am - 12:45pm 

California's Proposed Automated Decisionmaking Regulations - A Discussion With CPPA Staff Shaping the Future 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/kfkfdSggcXh4zLSv5 

Materials: 2024 CLA Privacy Summit - Overview of Proposed ADMT Framework - FINAL - FOR PRESENTATION.pptx

1:15pm 2:00pm 

Multi-State Attorney General Investigations, Trends, and Priorities 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/HHhtSrTt3hrGino67 

Materials: CLA Annual Privacy Law Summit Multi-State AG CLE Panel Presentation February 6 2024.pptx

2:00pm - 2:45pm 

Enforcement Trends and Regulatory Expectations on Dark Patterns and Opt Out Preference 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/3ENJkvP48JPJ8WQe8 

Materials: CLA Annual Privacy Law Summit Dark Patterns OOPS CLE Panel Presentation February 7 2024.pptx

3:15pm - 4:15pm 

Privacy Law in the Courts: Trends in Private Litigation and Privacy Class Actions 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/rTv2TzcMPJndZZwu7 

Materials: 2024 CLA_Privacy Summit - Privacy Law in the Courts FINAL 2-5-24.pptx


2024-02-08-09-CLAPrivLawSummit-Database Protection-PPS.pdf

4:30pm - 5:30pm 

AdTech Year in Review and What's Around the Bend 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/bspS2TZqYp4pTp9fA 

Materials: California Releases Draft Comprehensive Regs Governing Artificial Intelligence.pdf

CLA Ad Tech Privacy Bloom Golberg 2.8.23.pptx


Friday, February 9, 2024 

9:00am - 10:00am 

TRACK 1 - AI Ethics - Discrimination, Bias, and Governance 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/zPum4nfiwufpE3y37 

Materials: 2024 Privacy Summit - AI Ethics - Discrimination, Bias, Governance FINAL 240208.pptx

MCLE Certificate: Day Two - Track 1.1_MCLE CERT.pdf


TRACK 2 - Key Issues in Employment Privacy 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/sb1oXkGkQeSY5MtR9 

Materials: CLA Privacy Summit - Employee Privacy Panel.pptx

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 2.1_MCLE CERT.pdf


10:15am - 11:15am 

Track 1 - Navigating the Children's Data Privacy 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/nwg5EWqmbNHDk1cX7 

Materials: 2024.02 - Navigating the Children’s Data Privacy Landscape - FINAL.pptx

NetChoice v Bonta PI, US v Epic Games Complaint and Stipulated Order.pdf

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 1.2_MCLE CERT.pdf


Track 2 - Emerging Issues in Health Privacy Law

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/8Qv5UCsZR75TE1436 

Materials: CLA Privacy Summit 2024 - Emerging Issues in Health Privacy Lawv2.pptx

CLA Privacy Summit 2024- Emerging Issues in Health Privacy Law Written Materials.docx 

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 2.2_MCLE CERT.pdf

11:45am - 12:45pm 

Track 1 - Top Issues in Cybersecurity 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/peWtgLPD5toKeQxu9 

Materials: CIA in Action- CLA Article Jan 2024.pdf2023-data-breach-investigations-report-dbir.pdfCost of a Data Breach Report 2023.pdfCybersecurity Resource and Refernce Guide.pdfENISA Report - Cybersecurity for SMES Challenges and Recommendations.pdfFINAL Equifax Report.pdfNavigating SEC Cybersecurity Enforcement in a Post-SolarWinds World.pdfNIST.SP.800-37r2.pdfSEC Cybersecurity Final Rule - Summary.pdf

MCLE Certififcate: Day Two-Track1.3_MCLE CERT.pdf


Track 2 - Ad Tech and Consent 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/61NkdL1ofHupuh7g8 

Materials: Consent and AdTech CLE Materials.docx 

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 2.3_MCLE CERT.pdf


1:15pm - 2:15pm 

Fireside Chat with Privacy Thought 

Evaluation Form:  https://forms.gle/C38ab2YVMVHyoGvA6 


2:30pm - 3:30pm 

Track 1 - Focus on Data Brokers: California's DELETE Act and Other Developments 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/uuDx7aL5NfoFZnqE7 

Materials: Focus on Data Brokers_Californias DELETE Act and Other Developments Materials.pdf 

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 1.4_MCLE CERT.pdf


Track 2 - Building Trust Across Borders: The US-EU Data Privacy Framework 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/RPjsr4nC7b2daK9a9 

Materials: CLA_PrivacyLaw_Building Trust Across Borders_The US-EU Data Privacy Framework.pptxEO 14086 and the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework.pptxNew UK data transfer tools come into force.pptxTRUSTe Dispute Resolution under the DPF.pdfWhat does the new Data Privacy Framework adequacy decision mean for US data flows - Osborne Clarke.docxWhat will the new UK-US data bridge mean for transatlantic data flows - Osborne Clarke.docx 

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 2.4_MCLE CERT.pdf

4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Track 1 - Third Party Risk Management 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/2XNma1SztWLTi8Ho9 

Materials: CLA_PrivacyLaw_ThirdPartyRisk.pptx 

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 1.5_MCLE CERT.pdf



Track 2 - Anonymization & Deidentified Data - What  Does the Future Hold 

Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/D6ZDUSqk7rWGZ7PQA 

Materials: Anonymization & Deidentified Data (2).pptx

MCLE Certificate: Day Two-Track 2.5_MCLE CERT.pdf



Points of view or opinions expressed in these pages are those of the speaker(s) and/or author(s). They have not been adopted or endorsed by the California Lawyers Association Board of Representatives and do not constitute the official position or policy of the California Lawyers Association. Nothing contained herein is intended to address any specific legal inquiry, nor is it a substitute for independent legal research to original sources or obtaining separate legal advice regarding specific legal situations.

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